Planning & Community Infrastructure Committee
Wisbech Town Council is a statutory consultee for planning applications within Wisbech parish.
The local Planning Authority is Fenland District Council.
Discharging the functions of the Council in terms of planning and development management, including:
- Commenting upon applications for planning permission for both development control (to Fenland District Council) and minerals extraction and waste disposal (Cambridgeshire County Council) (the same applies when consulted by King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council or Norfolk County Council).
- Commenting upon the compliance or otherwise with planning conditions in respect of planning permissions granted.
- Commenting upon development plan proposals by Fenland District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council (the same applies when consulted by King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council or Norfolk County Council).
- Considering (as consultee) planning policy and strategy documents.
- Commenting upon the condition of listed buildings and the conservation areas in the town.
- Considering, as necessary, planning appeals matters.
Responding to consultations of proposals for street naming within the town
Responding to consultations in respect of highways and other infrastructure schemes for the town.
Planning & Community Infrastructure Committee Membership 2023/2024
Councillor Edwards (Chairman)
Councillor Human
Councillor Ketteringham (Vice-Chairman)
Councillor Meekins
Councillor Rafique
Councillor Sagoo
Councillor Tanfield
To find details of meetings please click here