Committees & Working Parties
The law and parliament require that all councils have Standing Orders. Those parts of the Standing Orders in bold type cannot be amended except by legislation. All other Standing Orders are the result of custom and practice; good practice; and guidance from other organisations such as the National Association for Local Government and the Society of Local Council Clerks.
The Town Clerk for Wisbech (as the Council's Proper Officer in law) is the custodian of these Standing Orders but it is the responsibility of each elected member to acquaint themselves with Standing Orders and to show a proper regard for Standing Orders at all times. As the Council's Responsible Financial Officer, the Town Clerk is also responsible for this Council's finances. Members should refer to the Council's Financial Regulations for more detailed Guidance.
Part One of Standing Orders is a procedural guide for those Chairing meetings of Wisbech Town Council. Part Two are the Council's Standing Orders. Throughout these Standing Orders the word 'Council' means Wisbech Town Council, unless otherwise stated.
Standing Orders (updated July 2023) (PDF, 581 Kb)
Standing Orders (updated July 2023)
Environment and Public Spaces Committee
Discharging the functions of the Council relating to allotments, including:
• Producing plans, for delivery by officers, in relation to the maintenance, development and enhancement of the council’s allotments.
• Determining the charge for allotments let by the council.
• Overseeing the letting and determination of tenancis.
• Approving terms and conditions for the letting of tenancies.
• Acquiring and disposing of land for allotments (subject to reference to the Resources Committee and/or Council where necessary).
• Recommending the budget for allotments, via the Resources Committee, to the Council.
Public Toilets
Overseeing the operation, management, maintenance and development of the public toilets which are owned and operated by Wisbech Town Council (this does not include the toilets at the Horsefair Shopping Centre which are leased by the Town Council).
Producing plans, for delivery by officers, in relation to the maintenance, development and enhancement of these public toilets.
Recommending the annual budget for these assets, via the Resources Committee, to the Council.
Car Park at Somers Road
Overseeing the operation, management, maintenance and development of the car parking area leased from Cambridgeshire County Council by Wisbech Town Council.
Producing plans, for delivery by officers, in relation to the maintenance, development and enhancement of this car park.
Recommending the annual budget for this asset, via the Resources Committee, to the Council.
Leading, on behalf of Wisbech Town Council, any campaigns or lobbying aimed at supporting or opposing a proposed initiative, project or course of action by another agency or organisation; this would include the Wisbech Anti-incinerator Campaign.
Establishing working parties and task and finish groups, as necessary/appropriate, to support the delivery of campaigns.
Recommending the annual budget for this activity, via the Resources Committee, to the Council.
Working Parties 2024/2025
Working Parties meet on an as-and-when basis.
Their membership can consist of both councillors and members of the public.
Meetings may be held anywhere are are not minuted (although action points may be noted).
Any decisions regarding finance will only be agreed by members of Wisbech Town Council as regulated by the Working Party's controlling committee.
Community Events and Festivals Working Party
Wisbech Castle Working Party
Community Speedwatch Working Party
Anti-incinerator Campaign Working Party
Committees' Terms of Reference
Committees Terms of Reference (PDF, 142 Kb)
Committees Terms of Reference